Celebrating Craftsmanship,
At Scale.

Kenny Hills Manufactory is a leading wholesale manufacturer specializing in artisanal baked goods, roasted specialty-grade coffee, condiments, as well as a range of gourmet ready-to-eat & ready-to-drink products.

Starting our journey in 2014, we’re taking the expertise and experience we’ve gathered to work with clients who share the same commitment to quality & excellence.

Meet The Family

Meet our family of in-house brands that we have to serve the many needs of your business.

Start A Job,
Build A Career

At Kenny Hills Manufactory, we’re always looking for people who want to build their skills, master their craft, and are a little obsessed with what they do.

Working With The Best In The Business

Join our growing list of wholesale partners who share our values for high quality products, made with no shortcuts or compromise.